A little something for - or from? - Sects. I actually doubt there's anything like a freak show in that world; the freaks run the show now. But I imagine most gatherings and family reunions very much resemble freak shows anyway. The man with the suit of rust used to be the Man in the Iron Shirt, whom we'll meet at some point. Don't let him snap his fingers near your gas tank.
They have an oracular octopus
who can predict the weather for a fee.
Of course, they say she's never been to sea
so she's no better at forecasts than us.
Used to be more things to spend money on
Used to be more people who would take it
Used to be some safer ways to make it -
not that I'm saying I'm sad that world's gone.
The freak show's where they keep the best of us.
We only charge a kiss to let you in.
Be first to see the man in the suit of rust
ignite the tank of gas they've trapped him in!
No one but bearded ladies you can trust -
when we're gone, who do they think will eat their sin?