I know it’s not obvious, but this is about the universe that Bluebird takes place in, which is in fact the same universe Captain’s Log takes place in. It’s all one big sprawly thing that has grown into a man-eating extraterrestrial horror from its roots as a snarky space porno. There’ll still be plenty of bonking, don’t you worry your pretty little head. It’ll just be bookended by intergalactic intrigue and metaphysical meanderings about consciousness. I try to dole out at least one orgasm per exhausting philosophical rant I make you sit through; it’s the least I can do.
It requires a bit of a mind flip -
least that's what they called it back in my day.
You have to look at this another way,
have to be able to let your soul slip.
Everybody is nervous their first time.
Three drops in your eyes,
jack in to the net,
ignore all the floating red lights you get,
stare into the sun...
Put your hand in mine.
At first it feels like you're going to die.
Some have likened it to a heart attack.
You feel the sun begin burning your eyes,
over here I feel my own char to black.
The pain's required -
you want to know why?
It's the only way I know to get you back.