All Roads Lead to Quo

So this is the main drag of Calvary, the setting of Sects. At the end of the road you can see the temple of Quo, the dominant eldritch god responsible for the ongoing apocalypse. In the foreground, you’ll note that this part of town is cordoned off with chain-link fences and checkpoints - Quo’s people don’t particularly care who enters, but they are concerned about riffraff bringing down the tone of the place, so they’ll confiscate weaponry and critique your wardrobe at the gates.

I struggle with perspective a lot, so this was me trying to figure out five-point perspective, also known as the fisheye effect. I’m really happy with how it came out, both in terms of layout and in what I learned with the pastels. I’m using very soft pastels, and that makes it difficult to achieve a great deal of detail, which is why this street scene is so depopulated, but I ordered some pastel pencils that I’m excited to try out as soon as they arrive. I hear there’s some trouble with the post, though, so it’s gonna be a while.

Mostly this was a celebration of my new drafting table and the ability to spread out and draw very large things, which was wonderful. Progress pics are below; I post these and smaller sketches on my Instagram as I’m doing them, so you can keep up with me there if that’s of interest to you. I’ve also started putting some stuff up on ArtStation, because that seemed like a thing people do. I don’t know, man, I’m an Elder Millennial™ and I still interact with the internet at the speed of a forum, not at the speed of Twitter. It’s not your fault, y’all are just too energetic for me first thing in the morning.




On the Subject of Sentient Pastry