On the Subject of Sentient Pastry
One of the side effects of an adult life spent mostly working in graphic design is that I have a bizarre fondness for designing logos and promotional material for utterly ridiculous things. You may remember the back-to-school specials available at A Deeper Gnawing, the pet store in Sects - can I be honest? The fine print at the bottom was the most fun I had all day. All I want in the world is to write disclaimers cautioning you about the costs of installing rabies into your favorite housepet, or best practices for worshiping a giant sentient pie.
On the subject of sentient pastry, some art from this week.
The Pie That Eats is the leader of a lesser cult in the city of Calvary, the setting of Sects. The Devoted Sustenance, known derogatorily to most citizens as “the Snacks,” worship an eldritch being currently incarnated as a freshly-made pie roughly seven feet in diameter and missing a single narrow slice.
The Pie does not speak, nor has it been seen to move unaided, but its congregation are reasonably organized and productive mostly in the hospitality and food-service industries of Calvary, despite the fact that many of the devout and several uninitiated sacrifices have disappeared into the Pie’s steaming maw, never to be seen again.
Since the most recent apocalypse, the Brothers Vim has been one of the city’s leading automotive aftermarket chains, providing premium add-ons, tires, maintenance and repair, and expert advice for the do-it-yourselfer. Whether you’d like to add a blood pump to a new vehicle, replace worn sinews and teeth in the family car, or satisfy your local deity with your sacrificial carrying capacity on the next high holy day, the Brothers Vim are available seven days a week at three locations in Calvary.
Outlying areas can take advantage of the Brothers’ mobile service trailer, offering maintenance on location for those customers who may be restricted from entering the city, under no-contact orders, or chained to structures or uprights.
Finally we have some miscellaneous sketches, some of which I can’t post on Instagram because of their mature content rules. Unrestricted access to fictional titties is one of the many perks of cult membership around here!
I’ve been working on a pretty huge street panorama of Calvary’s main drag, and I’ve finished the traditional portion of that; just doing punch-up in Photoshop and then it’ll be ready to look at. The in-progress pictures of that one are also on the Gram, along with cat and puppy pics as usual, because I realize that you rely upon me for a steady flow of dire weirdness, fictional titties, and cute baby animals in roughly equal proportions.