Evil Elephant

Hello, children! How goes the quarantine? Cult headquarters is untouched by disease so far, even though I am still required to show up and attend the needs of tiny dogs on a daily basis. My Muse (seen at right in a recent experiment with Dura-lar and colored pencils) continues to assist fairweather heroes with their fairweather equipment, and this too is considered essential, so things haven’t changed much around here.

There has been new art, because I got a new brush-pen I’m in love with. Far superior to my former lover, the Micron brush-pen. I don’t mind telling you, the Micron brush-pen talked big on the shelf, but it’s got no staying power; no more than four or five sessions and it was getting wilty and limp. I don’t stand for that shit, no ma’am. I like my brushes erect.

Speaking of things that turn me on, I seem to have drawn an evil elephant? It started out as a chain of shower thoughts, which (because I hear you clamoring) I shall try to reproduce for you here:

“What would be fun to draw? My shower curtain has tentacles on it. Tentacles are probably fun to draw, lots of curves and wrinkles. Elephants also have lots of curves and wrinkles. Oooh, it would be fun to draw Ganesha. You always see friendly elephants, though… you never do see elephants depicted with big nasty pointy teeth. Hmm. Probably because that sounds creepy as hell. I should draw that to find out exactly how creepy it is.”

Thus, evil elephant. Retroactively I’ve decided that it has something to do with Sects, and it’s probably the logo of a furniture store or other perfectly legitimate business enterprise that is definitely not a front for a cult. So I guess that means I need to get off my ass and put Sects up. If you could see this ass, you’d understand what a trial that can be. But for your sake, my children, I shall make a heroic effort in that direction this week, you have my evil elephant on that.

Duralar Colored Pencil Nadia.jpg
Evil Elephant.jpg

An Unfinished List of Rules


Social Censure is Literally Death