Mother of Moths

The Mothers of Moths, once invaders in Calvary, have taken up residence in the ruin of Calvary High School, where their Broodmother labors to bring forth a new daughter once every three hours on average. The new Mothers crawl out of the pool and spread their wet wings on the tiles, glistening in the flickering florescent light.
More of Sects: A Young Girl’s Illustrated Primer

Holy shit, you guys, this took a long time. Eighteen hours or so of pastel dust in this. I’m pretty pleased with it, though, some parts in particular - those feet came out good, and feet are so hard to draw. I like the bleachers and the webbing, both of which are weird-looking and hard to make read correctly. I would have liked her proboscis to be a little more well-defined, but because it offered me the opportunity to write a sentence like that, I’m okay with it.

And now I can finally start a new thing! Spoiler, it’s gonna be a robot of some kind.


Einhander’s Iron Lung


Do It For Nothing