On the Subject of Sentient Pastry
One of the side effects of an adult life spent working in graphic design is a bizarre fondness for designing logos and promotional material for utterly ridiculous things.
AFS #4: Do I have to be healthy to be loved?
I’m unhealthy but it’s not like I’m a terrible person. Do I have to spend the rest of my life alone?
An Unfinished List of Rules
Sects is back up! I suppose I should provide some kind of explanation for this tentacled baby now squalling upon your birthing mat; it’s been long enough since I conceived it.
An Open Poem to My Mother
A case study of the narcissistic relationship grid, in poem form.
AFS #3: Breaking up while polyamorous?
Check it out - a real live human asked me personally a question!
AFS #2: Help with dissociation?
I've had problems with disassociation and life not feeling real ever since I can remember.
AFS #1: Should I tell my fiancée I’m trans?
So we're currently at the ignoble stage where, in order to have anything to talk about, I'm appropriating questions from real columnists…